Bible Stories for the Young

The Spirit & Bride Say "Come"

Your Chapter in the Story


Green triangles are narrated and fully illustrated and will have simple animation added along the way. Yellow triangles have narration, but the illustrations aren't done yet. Videos with red triangles are planned. New and updated videos will be added very often.

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The Spirit & Bride Say "Come" : Your Chapter in the Story

As a little girl I loved to read my Bible, but did you know that it wasn’t until I was 18 yrs old that I realized that Church was NOT going some place or doing some thing? But that CHURCH was God’s Family, His People, His Nation.

And once I really saw that—Woah! The Bible all of a sudden made sense as the one big story that it is. The Bible is God’s Book for Man’s Past - Present - Future.

That’s why I’ve been so happy to do these videos for you. Because I wanted to help you see that God had a plan from the very beginning, and His Plan has never changed.

He’s been involved with People, His Creation, since the beginning of time.

And the Bible is clear that Jesus is coming back in the clouds.

Some of the very last things told to John during that Revelation on Patmos were…

“I am Coming Soon.”

The Spirit and the Bride say, “Come!”

And let the one who hears say, “Come!”

Let the one who is thirsty come;

And let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.

And again… “I am coming soon… Yes, I am coming soon.”

To which John wrote: Let it happen. Come, Lord Jesus.

But He won’t come back just because we feeeel really ready to see Him… He’s going to come back because He has that People, A Bride that looks like Him, Who displays Him to the world. Not with outward beauty or majesty—But with His Glorious Life Shining out of their lives for all of the world to see.

And as these people love Him and love each other in deep relationships every day, they will fire up Jesus’ heart in a way that makes Him leap to His feet and shout, “Look! Daddy, She Loves Me!” And He’ll be ready to come back in those clouds to get His Bride.

Like Paul told us, “All of creation is waiting-- eager, standing on tiptoe and excited and expecting-- for these sons of God to be made known.”

These People of His will be visible. Manifest. The world will absolutely know who they are.

Then He’ll Come back on the clouds, Finishing God’s Big Plan.

Now I can’t say for sure where we are in this story. We could be very close to the end, or there could be a thousand more chapters to write. But there is one thing I know absolutely for sure-- This is our time to write our chapter in the Story.

Because if you believe and grab hold of God, you become part of His Story.

So Go! Find Your Part! Write the Story! All of creation is waiting. Let’s Help Finish it! Together.