Bible Stories for the Young

The Real Party Begins

With the Holy Spirit Comes Together-Life


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The Real Party Begins : With the Holy Spirit Comes Together-Life

So now what? What were all these more than 3,000 people going to do? They had come from many different cities and were far away from home.

Now that they had heard the Good News that the Messiah had come and brought with Him a New Covenant Agreement, guess what happened? They didn’t go home!

They stayed in Jerusalem, even after the Pentecost party was over. The Promised Kingdom of God had arrived. And it meant everything to them.

Think about it…

Have you ever gone on a long trip to another city to have a big party? Like a wedding, or some other kind of big party? What if something special happened while you were there? What if God with His Spirit showed up there and He wasn’t leaving? Would you leave if God wasn’t leaving? If God had things to show you and teach you, would you stay or just leave and go home like you’d planned? I’d stay!

This is what they’d been waiting for their whole lives. How could they leave now?! So everyone who believed in Jesus and had been baptized, just stayed! The Kingdom of God had come! And just like the prophet Joel had spoken of so long before, it was time to “drop everything” and come together. So that’s what they did. They dropped everything and stuck close, close, close to everything the apostles had to say and everything they were teaching them.

They also stuck close, close, close to being together every day, and to the breaking of bread and to prayer.

Everyone was in wonder and awe! The apostles did many miracles — signs and wonders.

All who believed in Jesus stuck together and shared everything they had with each other. They began selling their land and stuff and giving the money away to whomever needed it most.

Can you imagine going on a trip and never going home?! Leaving your stuff and your house and your bed and your toys forever. That’s what these followers of Jesus did. They didn’t care about their stuff. The Shining Rescuer and His Kingdom had come. It was a new day — a New Covenant had Come! And nothing in the whole world was more important. This was the girl — Jesus’ Bride, the Church! This is where they wanted to be!

Every day the Believers in Jesus rushed along together in perfect harmony, meeting in the temple courts, breaking bread together from house to house, sharing their food happily and humbly. They praised God! Every day! They had much to talk about and to learn.

And they were liked and respected by all the people. And the Lord added to their number every day more and more people who were being saved.

Do you think they missed their old homes? Nah. These were the first of a new Family. A new tribe with the Faith of their Father, Abraham. They were now all just travelers, passing through on their way to heaven. So they didn’t have a problem pulling up their tent pegs to be wherever God wanted them. These were the real children of Abraham, those with Abraham’s Faith, those who would shine like the stars. And they knew… Home is wherever He is. And this wasn’t just for these guys back then; it’s for us, too!