Bible Stories for the Young

Messiah Has Come

Conquering Sin and Death, Not Just Washing It


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Messiah Has Come : Conquering Sin and Death, Not Just Washing It

You heard in the last story how Paul told the Roman Christians that no one is righteous, not even one of us. We all have a sin problem.

Through one man‘s disobedience, Adam’s, sin and death entered the world and spread like a disease to all men. Death ruled and judgment came to all.

But through one man’s obedience, JESUS’, the free gift of grace spread out to many. Those who receive the gift of grace and righteousness will rule in life through Jesus Christ.

Then Paul asked them a question: Once someone is free in Jesus’ life and forgiveness… does that mean they should just keep on sinning so that “grace and forgiveness can do their work?” Uhhh… No.

If you’re baptized, you’re baptized into His death. But we don’t just join Jesus in His death, we join Him in His made-alive-again Life.

Once we’re born again, we rise up to walk in Jesus’ new life. We don’t let sin boss us around; we don’t offer our body to sin like, “Here I am, sin. I can’t help but sin, so I’ll just depend on God’s grace to save me.”

No! Don’t hand yourself over to sin like that. Instead, offer yourselves to God as someone brought back to life from the dead.

Now let me make something clear: the rules aren’t bad or sinful. I wouldn’t have even known what sin was if it wasn’t for the rules. The law is good; I’m the bad one. I’m hopeless! I desperately want to do right, but then I don’t do it. But what I hate, I do. I am a wretched horrible person!

Think about it…

You see? I told you in the last story that Paul also felt some of the same feelings we do. Not just before he was a Christian, but after he was a Christian, too. This is the battle we talked about in the last story.

Once someone is Supernaturally born again in baptism, all their sins are washed away: past, present, and future. That person gets Jesus’ Perfect score of 100 in the Father’s eyes. When the Father looks at them, He sees His Son. And He is not going to judge His beautiful baby boy.

But that perfect score doesn’t take away all our temptations and struggles with sin. Sin is still a war because, well, our sinful, natural, mammal flesh continues to want its own way. But once Jesus is living inside of you, it’s a fight that can be WON, by His Spirit. Keep listening.

Paul said, “Who will rescue me from this body of death and decay that hangs all over me?”

And then Paul tells them who: God will — through Jesus Christ, our Lord!”

There is no guilty verdict or failing score for anyone who is in Christ — because now they’re free from the law of sin and death.

What the rules were powerless to do because of our weak flesh, God did by sending His own Son, who paid the price of sin for us.

People who live by the flesh think, think, think about what the flesh wants, but those who live by the Spirit have their minds fixed on what the Spirit wants.

The mind controlled by natural, mammal-life stuff is death and can’t please God, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace.

Did you know?

We have to be aware that the biggest battle we face with our sinful flesh often starts in our thoughts! The mind can think of all kinds of wrong or useless stuff, and we have to learn to put a stop to it.

Do you know what a radio is? (You might have one in your car. Ask an adult to show you sometime.) A radio has many channels and stations that play all different kinds of music, or news, or just talk, talk, talk. There are many different channels because everyone’s flesh has its “favorite” channel to listen to.

Well, your brain with all its thoughts is like that radio… just full of talk or noise that has nothing to do with Christ’s Anointed Life. And sometimes our sin, or circumstances, or fears, or selfishness make that radio click on and the volume go louder, louder, and louder. So we have to learn how to turn that noisy brain radio off if we want His life and peace…

So, Family, we have a responsibility — and it’s not to the flesh’s way. But if by the Spirit you put a stop to the wrong things you do with your body, you will live.

Are you beginning to see more clearly what Jesus was delivering people from and to?

Jesus is Delivering us from — the punishment and slavery of sin. And He’s Delivering us to — the power of a life that conquers sin and death, by His Spirit.

Think about it. Do you think the Father wants to give us Jesus’ perfect score of 100 and then stand back and watch us flunk every life test? NO Way!

He wants a People who will show the world WHAT HE IS LIKE. Jesus was sinless, but that wasn’t WHY He stood out on the planet. People didn’t see Jesus and say, “What a nice guy. He never does anything wrong.” That was true, but that wasn’t why He stood out. He stood out because He demonstrated HOW to live free — conquering sin and death, not just washing it.

So after we make a covenant with Jesus and He washes away all our sins, we don’t just stop there. Instead, we are meant to grow closer, closer, closer to Jesus in both relationship and in being more and more LIKE Him. Who He is in all His wonderful, adoring character is a perfect 100, but when we first become a Christian our character is not yet like His, so we’re more like a 5!

And God wants to close the gap between the 100 that we are given because of the blood of Jesus… and our character which is not yet like Christ.

As we grow closer and closer to being more like Jesus’ character of 100, then He frees us… He’s delivering us one step, step, step at a time from that body of death feeling stuff by teaching us how to walk in His Spirit.

Do you remember how He said His Spirit would bring power? Power to do what? Power to just do some miracles on occasion? There was no evidence in Acts that all the Christians did miracles, so what was this power from on high for? It was Power to walk like He walked. To fight like He fought. Power to Conquer sin, not just wash it. Power to shut off the noisy radio of your mind and of sin and have a relationship with Him, Living in His Smiles.

So of course, we need to start by being washed in His blood… and accepting the gift of His 100. Once you’ve been made new — have a party. Celebrate. Throw the confetti, play the music, and dance like David danced.

But then, Prepare for WAR! Get to work using His Spirit as your weapon to win the war that you feel with your sinful nature.

Living in His Smiles is His glorious solution to putting a stop to the sins of the flesh! And as we get closer and closer to His 100 in our actual Christlikeness — great stuff starts happening. Stuff that all of creation is standing on tiptoe waiting to see.

Go to the next story to hear more about this Victorious Life in Christ…