Bible Stories for the Young


Worships God as Daddy


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David : Worships God as Daddy

After Samuel poured oil on David’s head, David went back to taking care of his father’s sheep.

David was often alone out in the fields. A lot of the time, it was just him... and his sheep… alone. But David knew he wasn’t really alone. God was there! He was watching David and keeping him safe.

And David, with all those hours…. alone… in the field, wasn’t lyin’ around waiting for the time to pass, or trying to find something to entertain himself. Out in those fields, David looked up to God’s eyes and talked to God.

Maybe he would tell him about his day, or how the sheep made him laugh, or how he could feel lonely sometimes. While we don’t know all the details of David’s talks with God, we know some of them because David would make up little songs with his harp and sing about how good God was and how much he loved Him. And many of these songs you can find in your Bible in the part called “Psalms.”

It’s clear from the deep affection and respect in the songs that God had opened David’s Heaven-Eyes to something very special. Do you want to know what David saw? He saw that Yahweh, Jehovah, God Almighty… the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob… was also DADDY! A Daddy who loved David, a Daddy who loved all His children! (That’s YOU too, by the way!)

As far as we can tell, no one told David God was a Daddy. From the Bible we don’t really see Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob… or any of those men before David snuggling up to God as their Daddy. Up to that point, most people only saw God as Yahweh, Jehovah… They realized God was powerful, and Holy, and Righteous and should be feared — but David seems to be the first one to really see that Almighty God is also Daa-daa!

And once David’s Heaven-Eyes were opened to this — David didn’t look away. He looked, looked, looked.

Could it be that this is what made David a man whose heart was right there with God’s? A man whose heart was after God’s heart?

David wasn’t “born” with a “heart like God.” Nope. David’s God-like heart had to do with what he Saw of Heaven, and what he did when he Saw it. He was a man who looked and kept on looking, and let what he saw change him.

If you pay attention in the stories about David, you’ll see many of the things that David discovered about God throughout his life. If you want, we’ll talk more about some of the things David saw, as he lined his heart up with God’s.