Bible Stories for the Young


The Faith To Give Your Best


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Abel : The Faith To Give Your Best

A long, long, long time ago, the very first mommy and daddy, Adam and Eve, had two sons. One of them was Abel. Abel took care of flocks. He had daddy goats and mommy goats and baby goats. He had daddy sheep and mommy sheep. But his very favorite were the baby sheep — the little lambs. They had soft white wool and would grow up to be strong daddy sheep and mommy sheep.

One day Abel was looking at all his flocks. All his mommy goats and daddy goats. “Maaaa-maaa.” All his little baby goats. “Maaaa-maaa.” All his daddy sheep and mommy sheep. “Baaa-Baaa.” And all his cute, little, fuzzy lambs. “Baa-baa-baa.”

“Look at all these animals God has given me!” Abel said to his brother Cain. “God makes the mommy goats have baby goats. He makes the mommy sheep have so many lambs that I can hardly count them all. God takes really good care of me. How can I tell Him thank you?!”

Abel sat down to think. Hmmmm.... think, think, think.

“I know!” Abel said, “I will pick my best, best, BEST animal, my favorite one, and give it to God. I know God would like that.”

He looked at all his flock. Hmmm, that one? No, too small. Hmmmm, that one? No, too many spots. Hmmm, that one? Yes! A little boy lamb. It WAS his favorite. It was the first baby that its mommy ever had. It was perfect.

Abel scooped up the little lamb and took it to God.

“God,” Abel said, “I am so grateful for everything You have given me. Here is my favorite little lamb. It’s Yours now, just like everything else You have given me.”

Do you think God liked this gift? YES, He did! He liked it sooooo much. Not because it was big or important. But because He knew Abel had taken the time to think, think, think about what would make God happy.

He had done what was right and shown God his love and respect by giving God the very best gift he had to offer.